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Anchor 1
Anchor 2

14' Hopper

19' Hopper
24' Hopper (Heavy Duty)
Standard on all Hoppers
4x4 HSS Legs welded to perimeter ring
8 legs on 14'-17' hopper
12 legs on18'-22' hoppers
14x2 legs on a 24'
16x2 legs on a 27'
Custom slotted holes to receive Grain Bin
Angle Bracing from perimeter ring to legs for additional racking support
Angle iron bracing from center to each leg
Angle iron bracing from center to each leg
Rack and Pinion Gate c/w with crank
18x18 inspection access
Custom built to fit any size and style of Bin
Primed and Painted on the Exterior
Primed on the Interior
All Hoppers Engineered
Skids come standard on all hoppers
Hopper Skids

Skids are standard on all Hoppers
Skids and welded to the Hopper legs
Can be ordered with no skid
Double skid on 14'-17' Hoppers
Triple Skid on 18'-22' Hoppe
Quadruple Skid on 23' + Hopper
Aeration tube system

SUNRISE horizontal tupe 18" & 24"
18" Areation tube standard 14-19'
Airmaster aeration system

SUNRISE Vertical Airmaster Aeration 30''W X 4'H up to 3500 -10000 bu.
Anchor 3
Smooth Extension ring
60" Extensions from 14'-19'
14' Hopper

19' Hopper

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